DYNAMICS OF INERTIAL DISK PARTICLES IN TURBULENT CHANNEL FLOW![]() Presentation: Session: Multiphase and non-Newtonian flows 2 Room: Room D Session start: 10:30 Thu 27 Aug 2015 Niranjan Reddy Challabotla niranjan.r.challabotla@ntnu.no Affifliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Lihao Zhao lihao.zhao@ntnu.no Affifliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Helge I. Andersson helge.i.andersson@ntnu.no Affifliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Topics: - Turbulence in multiphase and non-Newtonian flows, - Wall bounded flows Abstract: A suspension of oblate spheroidal (disk-like) particles in turbulent channel flow has been investigated with focus on the translational and rotational particle statistics. The effects of particle aspect ratio and inertia have been explored. The disk-like particles exhibited a significant preferential orientation in the plane of the mean shear. The influence of the particle shape on the orientation and rotation diminished as translational inertia increased from Stokes number 1 to 30. Isotropization of both orientation and rotation could be observed in the core region of the channel. Keywords: oblate spheroids, preferential orientation, shape effects, inertia effects |