% summary of locations for the spectra of Re_tau=186 % nx nsp nz (these are the actual dimension of the spectra) 256 9 170 0 % % spectra are -> uu vv ww -uv(Real) ox oy oz p % j index y(index)^+ y(index)/h % 1 8 4.8589004e+00 2.6122988e-02 2 11 9.8710387e+00 5.3069832e-02 3 14 1.6579404e+01 8.9136127e-02 4 17 2.4919394e+01 1.3397456e-01 5 22 4.2220274e+01 2.2698957e-01 6 27 6.3362002e+01 3.4065420e-01 7 33 9.3000471e+01 5.0000000e-01 8 40 1.3200773e+02 7.0971539e-01 9 49 1.8600094e+02 1.0000000e+00