Case: SHW01 Flow: Homogeneous turbulence interacting with a normal shock. References: D. Alem 1995 Analyse experimentale d'une turbulence homogene en ecoulement supersonique soumise a un choc droit. These de doctorat, Universite de Poitiers. S. Barre, D. Alem, J.P. Bonnet 1996 Experimental study of normal shock/homogeneous turbulence interaction, AIAA J. vol. 34, 968-974 Data are given for shock-free flow and for shock/turbulene interaction, as follows: ---- SHOCK FREE FLOW: Table 1a: (hot-wire measurements) ---------------------------------- x: longitudinal distance from the turbulence grid (m) u2/U2: normalized variance of the fluctuating axial velocity /U^2, (U = mean velocity) Table 1b: (hot-wire measurements) ---------------------------------- x: longitudinal distance from the turbulence grid (m) Lu: longitudinal integral length scale (m) Table 1c: (LDV measurements) ---------------------------------- x: longitudinal distance from the turbulence grid (m) U: axial mean velocity component (m/s). u2/v2: ratio / Ruv: correlation coefficient /u'v'. SHOCK-TURBULENCE INTERACTION: Table 2a: (hot-wire measurements) ---------------------------------- x-xc longitudinal distance from the shock (m). (xc = 0.46 m from grid) u2: variance of the fluctuating axial velocity component (m2/s2). Lu: longitudinal integral lengthscale (m). Sk: Skewness factor of u /^(3/2). Fl: Flatness factor of u /^2. Table 2b: (LDV measurements) ---------------------------------- x-xc longitudinal distance from the shock (m). U: axial mean velocity component (m/s). V: transverse mean velocity component (m/s). u2: variance of the fluctuating axial velocity component (m2/s2). v2: variance of the fluctuating transverse velocity component (m2/s2). q2: trace of the Reynolds stress tensor, evaluated as u2+2*v2 ********************* * Shock-free flow * ********************* Table 1a (hot-wire measurements) x(m) u2/U2 0.109E-01 0.615E-04 0.199E-01 0.681E-04 0.203E-01 0.521E-04 0.207E-01 0.496E-04 0.407E-01 0.362E-04 0.409E-01 0.297E-04 0.610E-01 0.258E-04 0.758E-01 0.249E-04 0.960E-01 0.163E-04 0.900E-01 0.289E-04 0.906E-01 0.135E-04 0.121E+00 0.156E-04 0.120E+00 0.103E-04 0.131E+00 0.110E-04 0.151E+00 0.960E-05 0.176E+00 0.870E-05 0.187E+00 0.960E-05 0.201E+00 0.960E-05 0.216E+00 0.560E-05 0.234E+00 0.610E-05 0.234E+00 0.730E-05 0.241E+00 0.750E-05 0.250E+00 0.860E-05 0.296E+00 0.680E-05 0.300E+00 0.560E-05 0.310E+00 0.490E-05 0.330E+00 0.640E-05 0.348E+00 0.420E-05 0.349E+00 0.650E-05 0.370E+00 0.540E-05 0.371E+00 0.490E-05 Table 1b (hot-wire measurements) x(m) Lu(m) 0.100E-01 0.314E-02 0.200E-01 0.200E-02 0.700E-01 0.217E-02 0.900E-01 0.224E-02 0.233E+00 0.283E-02 0.233E+00 0.247E-02 0.200E-01 0.233E-02 0.900E-01 0.255E-02 0.120E+00 0.288E-02 0.150E+00 0.266E-02 0.215E+00 0.322E-02 0.250E+00 0.227E-02 0.300E+00 0.297E-02 0.350E+00 0.401E-02 0.370E+00 0.257E-02 0.780E+00 0.348E-02 0.780E+00 0.366E-02 0.780E+00 0.374E-02 0.780E+00 0.317E-02 0.780E+00 0.314E-02 0.780E+00 0.303E-02 0.678E+00 0.369E-02 0.678E+00 0.377E-02 0.678E+00 0.452E-02 0.576E+00 0.396E-02 0.576E+00 0.370E-02 Table 1c (LDV measurements) x(m) U(m/s) u2/v2 Ruv 0.600E-01 0.564E+03 0.148E+01 0.500E-01 0.660E-01 0.564E+03 0.171E+01 0.200E-01 0.720E-01 0.564E+03 0.187E+01 0.300E-01 0.780E-01 0.564E+03 0.197E+01 0.300E-01 0.840E-01 0.564E+03 0.152E+01 0.600E-01 0.900E-01 0.567E+03 0.149E+01 -0.100E-01 0.960E-01 0.569E+03 0.150E+01 0.600E-01 0.102E+00 0.564E+03 0.141E+01 -0.200E-01 0.108E+00 0.566E+03 0.138E+01 0.400E-01 0.114E+00 0.567E+03 0.112E+01 -0.400E-01 0.120E+00 0.566E+03 0.115E+01 0.000E+00 0.126E+00 0.568E+03 0.114E+01 -0.200E-01 0.132E+00 0.570E+03 0.112E+01 -0.600E-01 0.138E+00 0.572E+03 0.114E+01 -0.400E-01 0.144E+00 0.573E+03 0.112E+01 -0.100E+00 0.150E+00 0.570E+03 0.970E+00 -0.100E-01 0.156E+00 0.571E+03 0.111E+01 0.200E-01 0.162E+00 0.570E+03 0.108E+01 -0.500E-01 0.168E+00 0.571E+03 0.111E+01 0.000E+00 0.174E+00 0.570E+03 0.102E+01 -0.400E-01 0.180E+00 0.572E+03 0.103E+01 -0.500E-01 0.186E+00 0.572E+03 0.117E+01 0.000E+00 0.192E+00 0.572E+03 0.980E+00 0.200E-01 0.198E+00 0.573E+03 0.107E+01 0.400E-01 0.207E+00 0.572E+03 0.890E+00 0.500E-01 0.216E+00 0.574E+03 0.830E+00 -0.200E-01 0.225E+00 0.572E+03 0.106E+01 0.100E-01 0.234E+00 0.573E+03 0.980E+00 -0.400E-01 0.243E+00 0.573E+03 0.870E+00 0.300E-01 0.252E+00 0.575E+03 0.103E+01 0.000E+00 0.261E+00 0.574E+03 0.101E+01 0.300E-01 0.270E+00 0.574E+03 0.980E+00 0.300E-01 0.279E+00 0.575E+03 0.103E+01 0.100E+00 0.288E+00 0.574E+03 0.106E+01 0.700E-01 0.297E+00 0.572E+03 0.101E+01 0.180E+00 0.306E+00 0.573E+03 0.101E+01 0.500E-01 0.315E+00 0.573E+03 0.105E+01 0.900E-01 0.324E+00 0.572E+03 0.101E+01 0.000E+00 0.333E+00 0.572E+03 0.101E+01 0.100E+00 0.342E+00 0.572E+03 0.101E+01 0.600E-01 0.351E+00 0.572E+03 0.101E+01 0.700E-01 ********************************** * Shock/turbulence interaction * ********************************** Table 2a (hot-wire measurements) [x-xc](m) u2(m2/s2) Lu(m) Sk Fl -0.130E-01 0.134E+01 0.336E-02 0.100E-02 0.299E+01 -0.300E-02 0.134E+01 0.336E-02 -0.374E-01 0.337E+01 -0.200E-02 0.134E+01 0.336E-02 0.129E-01 0.345E+01 -0.100E-02 0.134E+01 0.336E-02 -0.319E-01 0.344E+01 -0.500E-03 0.341E+01 0.336E-02 0.865E+00 0.531E+01 0.000E+00 0.707E+01 0.336E-02 0.621E+00 0.313E+01 0.500E-03 0.821E+01 0.927E-03 -0.990E+00 0.427E+01 0.100E-02 0.383E+01 0.514E-03 -0.994E-01 0.285E+01 0.200E-02 0.349E+01 0.575E-03 -0.157E+00 0.293E+01 0.300E-02 0.348E+01 0.605E-03 -0.151E+00 0.296E+01 0.400E-02 0.338E+01 0.659E-03 -0.474E-01 0.294E+01 0.500E-02 0.349E+01 0.615E-03 -0.110E+00 0.295E+01 0.700E-02 0.308E+01 0.659E-03 -0.240E+00 0.312E+01 0.900E-02 0.294E+01 0.722E-03 0.413E-01 0.306E+01 0.110E-01 0.230E+01 0.739E-03 -0.270E+00 0.322E+01 0.150E-01 0.218E+01 0.864E-03 -0.667E-01 0.316E+01 0.200E-01 0.209E+01 0.104E-02 0.850E-01 0.313E+01 0.250E-01 0.191E+01 0.131E-02 0.866E-01 0.326E+01 0.330E-01 0.207E+01 0.140E-02 0.142E+00 0.323E+01 Table 2b (LDV measurements) [x-xc](m) U(m/s) V(m/s) u2(m2/s2) v2(m2/s2) q2(m2/s2) -0.600E-02 0.543E+03 -0.122E+02 0.215E+03 0.208E+03 0.631E+03 -0.500E-02 0.538E+03 -0.121E+02 0.164E+03 0.158E+03 0.480E+03 -0.400E-02 0.544E+03 -0.124E+02 0.253E+03 0.241E+03 0.735E+03 -0.300E-02 0.544E+03 -0.121E+02 0.104E+03 0.101E+03 0.306E+03 -0.100E-02 0.550E+03 -0.200E+02 0.827E+03 0.432E+03 0.169E+04 0.000E+00 0.560E+03 -0.176E+02 0.116E+04 0.428E+03 0.202E+04 0.100E-02 0.298E+03 -0.961E+01 0.186E+05 0.908E+03 0.205E+05 0.200E-02 0.187E+03 0.514E+01 0.212E+04 0.100E+04 0.413E+04 0.300E-02 0.178E+03 0.527E+01 0.104E+04 0.457E+03 0.195E+04 0.400E-02 0.173E+03 0.577E+01 0.469E+03 0.257E+03 0.984E+03 0.500E-02 0.176E+03 0.569E+01 0.347E+03 0.164E+03 0.675E+03 0.600E-02 0.180E+03 0.639E+01 0.526E+03 0.281E+03 0.109E+04 0.700E-02 0.185E+03 0.589E+01 0.478E+03 0.375E+03 0.123E+04 0.800E-02 0.189E+03 0.626E+01 0.402E+03 0.353E+03 0.111E+04 0.900E-02 0.195E+03 0.414E+01 0.498E+03 0.484E+03 0.147E+04 0.100E-01 0.199E+03 0.426E+01 0.299E+03 0.257E+03 0.813E+03 0.110E-01 0.205E+03 0.352E+01 0.246E+03 0.195E+03 0.636E+03 0.120E-01 0.211E+03 0.278E+01 0.191E+03 0.155E+03 0.501E+03 0.130E-01 0.216E+03 0.137E+01 0.210E+03 0.196E+03 0.602E+03 0.140E-01 0.223E+03 0.212E+01 0.442E+03 0.439E+03 0.132E+04 0.150E-01 0.227E+03 0.135E+01 0.198E+03 0.158E+03 0.514E+03 0.160E-01 0.233E+03 -0.116E+01 0.313E+03 0.243E+03 0.799E+03 0.170E-01 0.238E+03 -0.142E+01 0.211E+03 0.175E+03 0.560E+03 0.180E-01 0.244E+03 -0.165E+01 0.380E+03 0.323E+03 0.103E+04 0.190E-01 0.250E+03 -0.858E+00 0.330E+03 0.289E+03 0.908E+03 0.200E-01 0.253E+03 -0.352E+01 0.166E+03 0.122E+03 0.411E+03 0.210E-01 0.260E+03 -0.379E+01 0.382E+03 0.179E+03 0.740E+03 0.220E-01 0.263E+03 -0.556E+01 0.209E+03 0.182E+03 0.572E+03 0.230E-01 0.269E+03 -0.517E+01 0.227E+03 0.190E+03 0.608E+03 0.240E-01 0.276E+03 -0.500E+01 0.299E+03 0.243E+03 0.785E+03 0.250E-01 0.278E+03 -0.500E+01 0.349E+03 0.291E+03 0.931E+03 0.260E-01 0.285E+03 -0.691E+01 0.296E+03 0.240E+03 0.776E+03 0.270E-01 0.290E+03 -0.640E+01 0.403E+03 0.353E+03 0.111E+04 0.280E-01 0.289E+03 -0.926E+01 0.283E+03 0.202E+03 0.687E+03