Index of /turbdata/agard/chapter5/PCH10
The files in this directory tree contain statistical data extracted
from direct numerical simulations of fully developed plane turbulent
channel flow. There are three cases at three different Reynolds
numbers: nominal Reynolds numbers based on U_tau (the friction
velocity) and h (channel half-width) are 180, 395 and 590. The
simulations are reported in "DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow up to
Re_tau=590," by R. D. Moser, J. Kim & N. N. Mansour, 1998 (to appear
in Physics of Fluids). A preprint is available at Before final publication
of a paper citing this data, please check this site for an up-to-date
The data for each case are in directories chan180, chan395 and chan590
respectively. Each of these directories contains 5 subdirectories
containing the actual data:
balances -- Terms in the Reynolds stress and kinetic energy
balance equations
correlations -- 1-D two-point correlations and cross correlations
pdfs -- probability density functions of velocity and pressure
profiles -- Mean, variance, skewness and flatness profiles
spectra -- 1-D energy spectra
The file chandata.tar.gz in this directory is a gzipped tar file
containing all the data.
Please report any problems with the data to R. D. Moser
These data sets supersede the old ones in the original AGARD CD,
and derive from the same simulations.
The original data have nevertheless been kept in the directory
agard.old, for reference.
For even newer data on channels, on larger boxes, longer statistics
and higher Reynolds numbers, refer to
in this same server.