Index of /turbdata/agard/chapter5/PCH10/chan180/balances
The files in this directory (chan180/balances) contain terms in the
balance equation for the reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy
extracted from direct numerical simulations of fully developed plane
turbulent channel flow at Re_tau=180. The simulations are reported in
"DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow up to Re_tau=590," by R. D. Moser,
J. Kim & N. N. Mansour, 1998 (submitted to Physics of Fluids). A
preprint is available at Before final
publication of a paper citing this data, please check this site for an
up-to-date reference.
This directory contains 5 files named chan180.<extension>, where
the extension indicates the contents of the file. The extensions are
kbal -- balance of the turbulent kinetic energy
uubal -- balance of the streamwise velocity variance
vvbal -- balance of the wall-normal velocity variance
wwbal -- balance of the spanwise velocity variance
uvbal -- balance of the Reynolds shear stress
Note that some of the quantities reported in these files should be
zero by statistical symmetries (e.g. the reynolds stress components uw
and vw). They are included as an indication of the quality of the
Please report any problems with the data to R. D. Moser