Index of /turbdata/agard/chapter5/PCH10/chan180/spectra
The files in this directory (chan180/spectra) contain one-dimensional
spectra extracted from direct numerical simulations of fully developed
plane turbulent channel flow at Re_tau=180. The simulations are
reported in "DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow up to Re_tau=590," by
R. D. Moser, J. Kim & N. N. Mansour, 1998 (submitted to Physics of
Fluids). A preprint is available at Before final
publication of a paper citing this data, please check this site for an
up-to-date reference.
This directory contains a set of files named
chan180.<extension>.<number>, where the number indicates the
y-location of the spectra (in + units rounded to the nearest integer),
and the extension indicates the type of spectra in the file. The
extensions are
xspec -- 1-D spectra in the x-direction
zspec -- 1-D spectra in the z-direction
Please report any problems with the data to R. D. Moser