Index of /ftp/channels/data/spectra/re180/2D

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory   -  
[TXT]spsumm.180.txt 2011-06-20 14:07 737  
[   ]Re180.spe.j01 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j02 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j03 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j04 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j05 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j06 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j07 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j08 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 
[   ]Re180.spe.j09 2011-06-20 14:07 1.2M 


There are 9 files, 

Re180.spe.j??   ---> Spectrum at heigth ??

FOR CONVENIENCE, some of the header information from all the spectra are
collected in the text file "spsumm.180.txt", in this directory


The files are written in the standard BINARY FORTRAN UNFORMATTED fashion, and
the Byte ordering of each 4-Byte word is LITTLE ENDIAN.

We have stored the 2D spectra at different wall-distances.

If you try to read these files in MATLAB or C, take into account that IFORT adds 4
bytes at the end and beggining of each record


The 1st record is a header with the following information:


 utau (4 Bytes real)   : Friction velocity in computational units
  re   (4 Bytes real)    : Reynolds number based on"some" bulk mean velocity
                           in the channel (actually 1/nu is comput. units).
  alp  (4 Bytes real)    : A parameter which gives the length
                           of the computational box. Lx/h=2*pi/alp.
  bet  (4 Bytes real)    : A parameter which gives the width 
                           of the computational box. Lz/h=2*pi/bet.
  mx   (4 Bytes integer) : Number of Fourier Galerkin modes in the
                           streamwise direction.
  my   (4 Bytes integer) : Number of grid points in the
                           wall-normal direction.
  mz   (4 Bytes integer) : Number of Fourier Galerkin modes in the
                           spanwise direction.
  nplan(4 Bytes integer) : Total number of spectral planes collected  

  nacum(4 Bytes integer) : Number of fields that have been accumulated to
                           average the spectra 
  jind (4 Bytes integer) : Index of spectrum in jsp (see 2nd record).

  nvar (4 Bytes integer) : Number of spectral quantities collected. In most cases
  			   seven, except for Re2000 where there are 8, see below)

The 2nd record is a header with the following information:

   (jsp(j), j=1,nplan) (4 Bytes integer): indexes corresponding to the
                                position in the grid of the planes of the spectra. 
                                The corresponding coordinates are  

   (y(j)/h, j=1,nplan) (4 Bytes real):  wall-normal coordinates of all spectra. 


The following nvar records have:

  ((sp(ix,iz),ix=1,nx1), iz=1,nz1) (4 Bytes real):
  2D spectrum at  y(jind)

  nx1=mx/2, nz1=(mz+1)/2


  var = 1 -> uu
  var = 2 -> vv
  var = 3 -> ww
  var = 4 -> Re(u*v)
  var = 5 -> Ox*Ox
  var = 6 -> Oy*Oy
  var = 7 -> Oz*Oz

  var = 8 -> Im(u*v)  ONLY for Retau=2000 !!!

WARNING: The final spectra is sp = sp/nacum

If you use these data, please cite

Juan C. del Alamo, Javier Jimenez, Paulo Zandonade and
Robert D. Moser (2004) "Scaling of the energy spectra
of turbulent channels", J. Fluid Mech. vol 500, pp 135-144

Juan C. del Alamo and Javier Jimenez (2003) "Spectra of the
very large anisotropic scales in turbulent channels", Phys.
Fluids Vol. 15 No. 6, pp L41-L44.
