Index of /turbdata/blayers/high_re/correlations/3D_corr
3D data is included for a single height, y'=0.6*delta_99, and for the
velocity and pressure correlations. Using these data at Re_theta=4857,
the correlations were plotted in the paper,
J.A. Sillero, J. Jimenez, R.D. Moser "Two-point statistics
for turbulent boundary layers and channels at Reynolds
numbers up to \delta^+\approx2000"
Phys. Fluids 26, 105109, 28 October 2014,
corresponding to the Figures 1 (C_uu), 2 (C_vv & C_ww) and 13 (C_pp).
Because of the very-large size of the original 3D datasets, this data
correspond to a fraction of the total domain, centred at the reference
point, and using coarser grid resolutions in the wall-parallel
directions (approximately x4: dx^+=28 and dz^+=16).
The raw data is stored in HDF5 format in the *.h5 files. One of those
files contain:
pixels: Dataset {271, 351, 809} ---> 3D data (single precision)
xd99: Dataset {351} --> Normalized x-grid in outer
yd99: Dataset {271} units (double precison)
zd99: Dataset {809}
The .xdmf (eXtensible Data Model and Format) files contain the
description of the raw data, allowing visualization programs to
"understand" the topology of the data. For instance, using these .xdmf
files data can be visualized "out-of-the-box" using Paraview, that is
open-source and multi-platform.
Before final publication of a paper citing these data, please check
this site for an up-to-date reference.
Please report any problems with the data to J.A. Sillero,