Publications 2000-2004

  • Jimenez, J. 2000, Intermittency and cascades. J. Fluid Mech. 409, 99-120..

  • Jimenez, J., Moser R.D., 2000, LES: Where are we and what can we expect? AIAA J. 38, 605-612.

  • Jimenez, J. and M. P. Simens 2001, Low-dimensional dynamics of a turbulent wall flow, J. Fluid Mech. 435, 81-91.

  • Jimenez, J. and M. P. Simens, 2001, The Largest Scales in Turbulent Flow: The Structures of the Wall Layer, in Coherent Structures in Complex Flows (ed. Reguera et al.) Lect. Notes in Physics, 567, Springer, 39-57.

  • Jimenez, J., Uhlmann, M., Pinelli, A. & Kawahara, G., 2001, Turbulent shear flow over active and passive porous surfaces, J. Fluid Mech. 442, 89-117.

  • Jimenez, J., Moisy, F., Tabeling, P. & Willaime, H., 2001, Scaling and structure in isotropic turbulence, in Intermittency in Turbulent Flows (ed. C. Vassilicos) Cambridge U. Press, 193-213.

  • del Alamo, J.C. & Jimenez, J., 2003, Spectra of the very large anisotropic scales in turbulent channels, Phys. Fluids 15, L41.

  • Jacquin, L., Fabre D., Sipp, D., 2003, Theofilis, V. & Vollmers, H., Instability and unsteadiness of aircraft wake vortices, Aerospace Science and Technology 7.

  • Jimenez, J., 2003, Computing high-Reynolds-number turbulence: will simulations ever replace experiments?, Journal of Turbulence, 4.

  • Kawahara, G., Jimenez, J., Uhlmann, M. & Pinelli, A., 2003, Linear instability of a corrugated vortex sheet - a model for streak instability, J. Fluid Mech. 483.

  • Theofilis, V. & Colonius, T., 2003, An algorithm for the recovery of 2-and 3-D BiGlobal Instabilities of Compressible Flow Over 2-D Open Cavities, AIAA 2003-4143.

  • Theofilis, V., Deville, M.O., Duck, P.W., & Fedorov, A., On numerical prediction of the stability of hypersonic boundary-layer flow over a row of microcavities, Proceedings of FEDSM'03 2003 ASME_JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM2003-45635.

  • Theofilis, V., Karabis, A. & Shaw, S.J., 2003, Complex-grid spectral algorithms for inviscid linear instability of boundary-layer flows, Computers and Fluids 32.

  • Theofilis, V., 2003, Advances in global linear instability analysis of nonparallel and three-dimensional flows. Progress in Aerospace Sciences 39.

  • Abdessemed, N., Sherwin, S.J., Theofilis, V., 2004, On unstable 2D basic states in low pressure turbine flows at moderate Reynolds numbers, AIAA 2004-2541.

  • del Alamo, J.C., Jimenez, J., Zandonade, P. & Moser, R.D., 2004, Scaling of the energy spectra of turbulent channels, J. Fluid Mech. 500.

  • Broadhurst, M.S., Theofilis, V. & Spencer, S.J., 2004, Spectral element stability analysis of vortical flows. IUTAM Laminar Turbulent Transition.

  • Collis, S.S., Joslin, R.D., Seifert, A. & Theofilis, V., 2004, Issues in active flow control: theory, control, simulation, and experiment, Progress in Aerospace Sciences 40.

  • Hein, S. & Theofilis, V., 2004, On instability characteristics of isolated vortices and models of trailing-vortex systems, Computers and fluids 33.

  • Jimenez, J., 2004, Turbulent flows over rough walls, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 36, 173-196.

  • Jimenez, J., del Alamo, J.C. & Flores, O., 2004, The large scale dynamics of near-wall turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 505, 179-199.

  • Moisy, F. & Jimenez, J., 2004, Geometry and clustering of intense structures in isotropic turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 513, 111-133.

  • Jimenez, J., 2004, The structure of turbulence near walls, in "Simplicity, Rigor and Relevance in Fluid Mechanics", Higuera, Jimenez and Vega, eds. CIMNE.

  • Theofilis, V. & Colonius, T., 2004, Three-dimensional instabilities of compressible flow over open cavities: direct solution of the BiGlobal eigenvalue problem, AIAA 2004-2544.

  • Theofilis, V., Duck, P.W., & Owen, J., 2004, Viscous linear stability analysis of rectangular duct and cavity flows, J. Fluid Mech. 505.

  • Theofilis, V., Fedorov, A.V., & Collis, S.S., 2004, Leading-edge boundary layer flow. IUTAM Prandtl Centenary.

  • Theofilis, V., Sherwin, S.J. & Abdessemed, N., 2004, On global instabilities of separated bubble flows and their control in external and internal aerodynamics applications, RTO-AVT-111.